Path to your successful eCommerce journey
eCommerce is simply buying and selling products or services using the internet and marketing is a tool to drive traffic to convert that into sales. Well, there is always a misconception about eCommerce which is, as soon as a website is built online sales begin automatically. In reality, it is the other way around unless the business takes initiatives to reach people and build awareness nothing happens to the website.
eCommerce business cannot just depend on factors such as organic website traffic, SEO and word of mouth as these are non paid strategies, however, a complete digital marketing strategy would be binding both paid and non paid marketing efforts together at a perfect mix will do the job. The right balance will lead to achieving better returns on ad spent and also increasing the conversion rate. Digital marketing has been the key medium for eCommerce brands to deliver outstanding results and the outcomes are increased revenues, reaching a wider target customer base and converting the most people.
Due to the increase in mobile users and usage of smartphones, one should consider giving more importance to mobile-centric marketing campaigns, mobile-friendly websites and apps. According to Google, 73% of customers do not prefer websites that are not mobile-friendly and there are high chances of them leaving the website immediately eventually leading to a higher bounce rate.
Another study indicates that 80-85% of eCommerce website traffic comes from mobile devices and out of which 89% of traffic comes from mobile apps because of its rich user experience. As a result of a spike in the above-mentioned factors, eCommerce players have started to emphasize more on mobile-driven shopping platforms and the marketing techniques working in parallel to these have been changed accordingly.